UPDATE: According to Katia Kelly over at Pardon Me For Asking, Community Board 6's Land Use Committee voted to recommend approval of the BSA application on Monday Night.
Something of interest to all in Carroll Gardens who have been here long enough to remember when the International Longshoreman's Association was a huge influence. According to the
Courier Life Publications, the former ILA building site at 340 Court Street, will have to jump through some procedural hoops to proceed with their planned development.
"A stop work order has been slapped on the Clarett Group’s cavernous property, 340 Court Street, where a seven-story condominium and 11 four-story town homes are planned. Before the rezoning passed in October, the project, called “The Collection at Court Street,” was allowed to proceed “as of right,” zoning parlance meaning no special approvals would be required, as it conformed to the existing zoning.
Following the rezoning, which was initiated to preserve the neighborhood’s low-rise character, the developers will now be required to present their plans to Community Board 6, whose vote is advisory in nature only.
Ultimately, it will be up to the city’s Board of Standards and Appeals to approve or disapprove of the developer’s request, which is essentially asking for the legalization of previously issued building permits, which would allow the completion of the project as planned."
This seems pointless, as the same buildings could be built under the new zoning. Probably just a way for the developer to save money. But I don't see them blazing along with anything anytime soon...