A second zone is unnecessary, said John Esposito, co-founder of the anti-expansionist group Citizens Against Landmarks.
“Landmarking will force the old-timers out,” he said. “All the new people who have $100,000 income a year think this is a great idea.”
But a study by the Independent Budget Office suggests that landmarking does not, in itself, cause higher home prices."
Again, John Esposito cites his study that proves that "old-timers" will be forced out. This study was commissioned as a response to...oh, wait. That's right. I forgot. No one has ever proven that anyone has been moved by anything other that market forces.
Also, the picture shown on the Brooklyn Paper identifies the two women as being Third Street residents, but they are staged in front of homes on either Second Street or a Place block, the very type of street that needs preservation protection, unlike Third.