Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz is a hell of a nice guy from what we can all tell. he's open, energetic and entertaining. However, sometimes his stances could use some rethinking. Witness his objections to the Prospect Park Bike Lane. With word coming that DOT Commissioner Janet Shadik-Khan will plow ahead with the bike lane, Marty is supporting the minority of Brooklynites that own a car, and protesting the bike lane, with some help from
""We all don't live on 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue in Manhattan. We don't all have on every corner a subway stop, a bus. We don't. So it has to be is a balanced approach responsive to the conditions in each borough," he said.
Markowitz was upset by a plan to install a bike lane along Prospect Park West that would affect traffic in an already congested area. One lane of traffic would be eliminated for a bike lane and the parking lane would be moved over one lane, reducing the number of traffic lanes on the street to two, according to Markowitz."
No Marty, we don't all live on 42nd Street. But most of us, who you represent, do not own cars.
Wonder if he has ever tried to cross PPW?