Anyone who has attended a Community Board 6 meeting no doubt appreciates the hard work, even temperament and quick wit of District Manage Craig Hammerman. Personally, I think that Craig's biggest strength is his ability to stand above the heated discussions that the meetings frequently devolve into and offer advice and support to both sides of a discussion. although he has mulled entering politics in the past, he has not yet taken the leap and I think the district is better because of it.
"There is no such thing as a perfect development project. And the larger a project is, the greater the range of costs and benefits. I didn’t agree with all of the projects that came to us and while we can stand on principle, and often do, that’s little consolation to a person who needs your help. Change happens whether we want it to or not. I accept things which I cannot change, and change things which I cannot accept.
This district has undergone some very real, major changes to its physical landscape in the past 20 years. Cumulatively, we’ve see projects that have reconnected the community to the waterfront like the Erie Basin evidence vehicle facility, Valentino Park and Pier, IKEA and Fairway in Red Hook. Twenty years ago there was zero public access to the Red Hook waterfront. That was, and is, and important community value. Now, it’s a whole new story."