"Scrooge marries Mrs. Dilber because she's with his child. When the baby's born, Ebenezer names him after his old partner, Jacob.

Jake 3rd places Ebenezer and Jacob in a conservatorship, takes over the shop, downsizes, then emigrates to Park Slope, where he buys up most of the rent-stabilized apartment buildings and fathers an in-vitro son, Jacob Scrooge 4th, who opens Le Parc Scrooge Realty on Seventh Ave. during the 1990s real estate boom.
Scrooge 4th starts gentrifying out all the "old hardcore Brooklynites," converting the working-family-friendly properties to million-dollar condos for Wall Street yuppies, Manhattan movie stars and literati who have declared Brooklyn the new Greenwich Village, a great place to displace working people, for nannies to raise your kids and to rant against Atlantic Yards."
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