Thursday, February 4, 2010

CGNA Sticks it to Hannah Senesh

According to Courier-Life, the CGNA has grown some stones and is telling Hannah Senesh that it's meeting space is now tainted.

"The Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association says it will not continue to use the gymnasium in the Hannah Senesh Community Day School if the private school moves ahead with a controversial plan to expand into its adjoining courtyard.

“The bottom line is that we can’t stay there if they don’t respect the gardens,” said Maria Pagano, president of the neighborhood association."

Well done, Maria.


  1. Good! Who do these people think they are? We need the courtyards to keep our property values up, they can get their kids educated somewhere else that it won't hit me in my wallet! I'm in for me pal, them in that school can just pick up and go to Crown Heights or Williamsburg for alls I care.

  2. Or Borough Park. This ain't a private school that serves the community, it's one that made money off of an air-rights deal that it now needs to expand!

  3. This is a private school that should try to show a little respect for the neighborhood. The sarcasm of the first comment is regrettable, and disingenuous in its motivation.

  4. I'm not defending the school and I don't know a thing about this courtyard issue, but I'm slightly offended by the first two comments. Hannah Senesh is not a head-in-the-ground, insular, conservative, ultra-orthodox community like those in Crown Heights, Williamsburg, or Borough Park. This is not the same community that fought to get bike lanes removed on Bedford Ave. In fact it's quite the opposite. It's a tolerant, inclusive, progressive community so please don't relate to it as if it's all the same, just because they're Jewish.
