"Who would, considering what’s to come? Despite its men-in-tights name, Superfund is no comic-book hero. Not only is the label a skull and crossbones that scares away businesses and homeowners, it’s also an open invitation to a neverending litigation party.
So broad is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, or CERCLA, law of 1980 that created Superfund, in the wake of hysteria about industrial toxins at the Love Canal in Niagara Falls, that anyone who ever had anything to do with polluting the site is liable for the entire cost of cleanup. Even if you legally disposed of your waste, if it ends up in the site, you’re on the hook — forever.
The city of New York is among those entities that could find itself getting sued by feds. It’s already been blamed as one of nine parties behind the pollution by the EPA. (The state requested the Superfund designation.) Is government suing government really what we want?"
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