Friday, August 20, 2010

Interesting Twist on Gowanus Colors

Another club trying to be really hip has opened in Gowanus. From the New York Post:

"“We wanted to give people around here a place to dance — every night of the week,” co-owner Turan Kiremitci yelled over a speaker pumping some intense house music last Saturday. “When the grand opening hits, there’s always going to be something different going on.”

There’s also something different on every floor, each with its own music and feel. The basement of the club, which is near Seventh Street, has the most expansive dance floor in the joint and easily features the most shades of purple. The second floor has more couches and drinking space than the other two, and the first floor is something in between — with booze flowing, booties shaking and music bumping.

Some of the locals complained that the music was a little too loud and that the rooms were a little too purple — but they had to squeeze past the others, who were obviously high on this purple haze."

Being colorblind myself, I know I do not get a full appreciation for the Gowanus colors. Is Purple a dominant color in the canal? Cause if so, well done club guys, well done.

1 comment:

  1. Check out the documentary "lavendar lake".. Its a running theme with the gowanus
