Ever wondered what the story was with the he-she who is always asking for money at the 2nd Street/Place exit of the Carroll Street stop? Well, someone stopped to ask him/her about their life. From
Going Under NYC:
"There it was. I had broken the silence that was part of our relationship for the last year. I was talking to a stranger.
-Oh nothing, just away working on the masterpiece.
-The masterpiece? - I said, a bit curious.
-Yes, got myself a bit of a new face, don’t you notice it?
-I think I do, actually.
-Well, you better. Because that was about a year’s worth of standing here.
-You see… I am on my way to be a woman, but those operations sure cost a lot. I don’t know how to do much –as a man, because I got plenty of plans when I become a woman- so I beg for money."
I will admit, I have been less than outgoing to this person, but this recanting of his/her story is very interesting. I've seen him/her in Red Hook frequently, so I assume that he/she lives there.