Over at the
Brooklyn Paper, we learned this morning that the Court Street CVS (between 2st and 2nd Places) has been the site of at least two attempted robberies in the past couple of weeks. From the Police Blotter:
"One week after our Police Blotter crackled with a juicy item about a pushy shoplifter at the store between First and Second places, the manager told cops that a perp entered the store about 2:50 pm and tried to leave without paying for several items.
Employees wrestled with the villain and he gave back the items. But when workers refused to allow him to leave, he got violent, pulling a knife.
“I gave you your stuff back — get off me,” he said, brandishing the blade before making his getaway.
Cops are looking for a 6-foot, 230-pound bald man in his 40s."
Lets keep an eye out, Carroll Gardeners!
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