Friday, January 8, 2010

Meet Your Congresswoman: Yvette Clark

Reported by Pardon Me For Asking and the Cobble Hill Association, Congresswoman Yvette Clark will be hosting a Community Roundtable at Christ Church (Clinton and Kane) on Monday, January 11th, at 7:30 pm. If history serves, one issue will likely dominate the night, that of Superfund status for the Gowanus. From PMFA:

"I believe that Congresswoman Clarke owes her constituents an explanation for her failure to take a stand on the proposed listing of the Gowanus Canal as a Superfund site. She has been tiptoeing around the issue for months claiming she is doing due-diligence. As opposed to Congresswoman Velázquez's strong pro-Superfund statement, Ms. Clarke's fence-sitting has been deplorable.

I had lengthy conversations with the Congresswoman's staff about this very important environmental issue and hope to have an opportunity to finally hear directly from Ms. Clarke."

I hope that the Congresswoman and her staff are prepared for the constituents' ideas.

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