Sid's, the anchor hardware store for many in downtown Brooklyn for what seems like forever, is moving into the neighborhood. Always family owned, Sid's is moving to Hamilton Ave and 14th Street (the corner of Hamilton Place). They should do well in their new location, as it is on a major thoroughfare, on a heavily used corner, and many people intending to go to Lowe's may use Sid's as an alternative to having their money travel out of Brooklyn. From the
Brooklyn Paper:
"The hardware store that stuck with Downtown through the best of times and the worst of times (and these times, which are somewhere in the middle), has finally gotten sick of Downtown.
“Look, the rents are too high, there’s no parking, and this dead scene isn’t a place to run a business,” said Rich Popper, a store manager. “The other day, I had one guy go around the block for 20 minutes so he could pick up a couple cans of paint.”
It will reopen “in the next couple weeks” on Hamilton Avenue near 14th Street, he added. For now, contractors can still place orders, but the walk-in business is finished."
As the
Atlantic Yards Report correctly points out, Sid's isn't just bailing on Downtown, they're bailing on any hope that Ratner's folly will bring them new business.
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