A little noticed comment in Community Board 6's list of issues for a new charter school in the Gowanus/Boerum Hill neighborhood was: prostitutes. To be more accurate, it was reported that Gowanus was home to "roving bands of hookers and drug dealers"; sounds like my kind of town! Is it still true? From the
Brooklyn Ink:
"...locals claim that streetwalkers still make their presence known. A receptionist at a nearby Holiday Inn Express would not confirm whether she’d seen any hookers or drug dealers on the block, but did say that she advises guests to “walk the other way”, to Third Avenue, when leaving the hotel rather than turning right toward the empty lot next door.
“After a certain hour, when all the businesses close up, it’s pretty much free business for prostitutes,” said Marlon Joseph, a supervisor at Petroleum Tanks, directly opposite an empty lot on Butler Street.
Of the hookers and drug dealers on the block at night, Joseph said, “I guess that’s their time to party, when we all go home for the day.”
An attendant at a gas station on the corner of Third Avenue, a block away from the intended location of the school, said during the daytime the area is safe, but after midnight it is “crawling with hookers.”"
I've done my fair share of walking down Union Street from Park Slope to Carroll Gardens in the wee hours of the morning and have yet to spot these elusive women of the night. God dammit.
ReplyDeleteThere are commercial sex workers who sometimes position themselves at the corner of 3rd Avenue by 13th Street (at the 24 hour gas station) and less frequently along 3rd Avenue in the lower numbered blocks. There are a couple of women and one trans person who work that general area.