Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Court Street to Get A "Goods" Market

Yeah! More upscale grocers! From the Village Voice:

""We've leased a new space without the legal troubles of the former, and have almost completed our work," says co-owner Eric Finkelstein of the new location in Carroll Gardens. "We don't want to jinx anything with opening dates, but we hope to be up and running by early September."

Goods not only had to abandon the neighborhood, it also had to give up its name now that the trailer-diner Goods opened in Williamburg. And so, expect Court Street Grocers to open at 485 Court Street this fall. Like the Goods concept, it will serve local, artisanal products, including coffee, baked goods, and prepared foods."

Gotta love the new residents who move in, patronize stores and restaurants like these, and then get upset when older stores have to leave or make changes to keep up. Put your money where your mouth is!


  1. what exactly do you mean "stores...like these"?
    they are 2 months from opening. Do you have any idea at all what the store will be like? (also your photo is of the wrong storefront, they are at 485, the small shop where the mail guy used to be)

  2. If you move into a neighborhood partly because of older, quaint, ethnic establishments, but then do not patronize those establishments in favor of "gourmet grocers", you are slowly contributing to the death of the neighborhood.

    And 485 Court is between Nelson and Huntington.

  3. Hi, I am one of the two people opening this shop and I would really like to discuss this subject at greater length with you, i am a reader of your blog and generally like your point of view, and we'd love to hear your suggestions... also, i'd like to share with you a bit more about our plans, and hopefully clarify some of the points that were missed in the brief article you refer to. I'd love it if you could shoot me an e-mail, and maybe we can start a discussion about these things? im at eric@courtstreetgrocers.com
