Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time To Play Detective

The Times habitat section ran a piece recently on a single man, planning for his future with a larger than necessary condo in the neighborhood.

"The following year, after having visited several dozen apartments, Mr. Chung settled on a $649,000 condominium on Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, in an industrial building that had done time as a dairy store and possibly a doll factory. The apartment had three bedrooms and was just a block from Public School 58, considered one of the best in the city. "

So, any guesses as to where this former doll factory is, one block from 58? I'm guessing that it is The Mill, but that's more than a block away. Fuzzy math?


  1. That picture is not P.S 58 in Brooklyn.

  2. yes we know, isn't not fun to have a picture of another PS 58

    Relax Anonymous

    So what is the answer to his question?

  3. You're both correct...just having a little fun.

    My vote still goes with The Mill

  4. just take a minute and go to acris and look it up yourself. it's on there and i could tell you but you should learn to do these things on your own.

  5. I don't see why we should be posting someone's deed on a blog. Just an exercise.

    And the situation with Hannah Senesh should give some indication as to our level of prowess with ACRIS

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Log in and make those comments attributable to yourself, por favor.

  9. why offer anonymous commenting if you're going to start removing comments that are not in any way offensive in tone, language, or content? what i wrote was on topic as well as a response to a question you asked (i don't know who write the ps 58 comment). maybe you should remove anonymous commenting from your blog. that way you wouldn't have to play games. but for now you offer it so deal with it.

  10. Anonymous commenting is a necessary evil, since people such as yourself for some reason feel the need to not put their name on what they have to say.

    I permit it and will continue to do so, however discourse which crosses into a personal realm has no place here.

  11. People - shut the hell up. You are all missing a key point; the article specifically says that the condo is on Smith Street.

    Oh, and using ACRIS is cheating in my book.

  12. that does not explain you removing my 1:01 pm comment. nothing person there.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. You're all sad. This is more satire than amateur, but if it is amateur, what does that make you all?

  15. here ya go:
